Seeking candidates for upcoming provincial election
The Sex Party is seeking candidates to run in the next provincial election.
In each of the last two provincial general elections, in 2005 and 2009, we fielded three candidates. We would like to do the same in 2011.
Running in a provincial election under the banner of The Sex Party is an interesting experience!
Candidacy offers the opportunity (totally optional) to participate in all-candidates meetings, appear in the media, do street promotions and other interesting events. It can be a lot of fun, especially if you do it in a group.
Running for The Sex Party also gives the satisfaction of working to make our
world a better place. The more positive and relaxed a society is about sex, the happier that society is. Even though our culture has come a long way in overcoming privitie taboos about sexuality, negative attitudes about sex are still too prevalent, especially in the policies of the provincial government that we think need to be changed.
In 2009 our results were fariily impressive. For example in one riding we garned over 500 votes. We would like to do even better next time.
The main challenge in the electoral process is getting the signatures of 100 people in the riding to nominate the candidate. We have learned fairly easy ways of doing that.