Do not forget, whenever the child has an emergency condition, he should be immediately taken to the doctor or hospital. Emergency signs in children include irritability or constant crying can not be appeased, decreased consciousness, continuous sleep, fatigue and difficulty awakened, stiff neck or neck spasms, persistent severe headaches, breathing disorders that cause the lips and face turn blue , vomiting
and diarrhea constantly, throwing up spray, dehydration, repeated or prolonged seizures, high fever in infants less than 6 months.
PANIC! This feeling must have been experienced by most mothers when their children sick. Especially if only one child, a sense of restlessness and anxiety when baby lying limp, often tortured. Fair indeed, but as early as possible to learn overcoming panic when a child is sick actually very beneficial for children and parents. In fact, at peace with panic could save expenses you know! How come?
Yes, in a panic when a child is sick, even causing the mother often confused. Though subscription disease that often affects children such as fever, cough, runny nose, and diarrhea, are not always require medication. Human body's defense mechanism is often effective against ailments without the need to see a doctor or take medicine. What often happens, the mother would rush to bring their children, a new fever a day for example, to the doctor. As a result, visits to the doctor even more frequently. Spending more swollen, the child's body is often exposed to drugs that may actually not be necessary. Well, panic is not harmful?
When the right to a doctor
So how to mother does not panic when a child is sick? Knowledge is power, so said Sir Francis Bacon. In this case, the mother needs to equip himself with recognizing the signs when a child should be taken to the doctor and emergency conditions in children. Such knowledge will make the mother calm and much easier to decide what action will be taken. When will the doctor be contacted?
Typically, a new child's mother had only mild fever rush gave febrifuge, or take him to the doctor. In fact, most fevers are harmless and do not necessarily need a febrifuge. But there are some conditions that need to be wary of fever. In the website mothers are encouraged to contact your doctor if:
- Infants younger than 3 months have a fever with body temperature over 38 degrees Celsius.
- Infants aged 3 to 6 months have a fever with body temperature greater than 38.5 degrees Celsius.
- Infants and children younger than 6 months have a fever with body temperature above 40 degrees Celsius. If the fever persists for more than 72 hours, the mother will also need to contact a doctor.
Vomiting and diarrhea
Children usually experience vomiting along with diarrhea or other stomach diseases caused by viruses. Children need to be immediately taken to the doctor when he vomited continuously, there is severe abdominal pain, and children become dehydrated. Signs of dehydration include a rare urination, dry mouth, weight loss, sunken eyes, the baby looks great fontanel sunken, colored urine are older than usual, and decreased skin elasticity. Children also need to be taken to the doctor when he did not want to drink, fluid or greenish-black colored vomit, vomit fluid spraying out, and if vomiting accompanied by severe headaches. If the child is vomiting accompanied by a pink spots or purple that does not disappear when pressed, should the child was taken to the doctor.
So it is with diarrhea. Children with diarrhea should immediately be brought to the doctor when she experienced signs of dehydration such as those mentioned above. Doctors also need to be contacted when the diarrhea that occurs with high fever, there is blood in the stool, or if the child has chronic diarrhea (more than 2 weeks).
Coughs and colds
Although green snot coming out, not always the child with cough and cold should be taken to the doctor. Cough is generally caused by a virus, do not need antibiotics. However, if the thick green snot continued until more than 2 weeks, then the child needs to be taken to the doctor. Doctors also need to be visited when the child has a cough for more than a week or a child complains of pain ear. In principle, if the child with cough and cold conditions deteriorate within 3-5 days bring him to the doctor. However, if the child's condition remains good, let the child's immune system that treat cough pileknya. If cough pileknya not go away within 10 to 14 days, immediately take the child to the doctor.
The condition is said to deteriorate when the child has a severe cough accompanied by shortness of breath (breathing with a vengeance), look bluish around the lips, mouth and face, severe cough accompanied by vomiting, very fussy, hard to wake (lethargy), dehydrated, and sputum bleed.
There are exceptions in infants younger than 3 months. Doctors still need to be informed when the baby has a cold coughs or coughing for several hours.
Emergency Conditions
Do not forget, whenever the child has an emergency condition, he should be immediately taken to the doctor or hospital. Emergency signs in children include irritability or constant crying can not be appeased, decreased consciousness, continuous sleep, fatigue and difficulty awakened, stiff neck or neck spasms, persistent severe headaches, breathing disorders that cause the lips and face turn blue , vomiting and diarrhea constantly, throwing up spray, dehydration, repeated or prolonged seizures, high fever in infants less than 6 months.
Well, when Mom had to recognize the signs when children need to be taken to the doctor and emergency conditions in children, she did not need to panic anymore when a child is sick. To be more calm mother, while monitoring the child's condition, I can find information about the symptoms of illnesses suffered by children from books, internet, or sources that can be trusted. Thus, understanding mother is getting intense, I can act calmly, precisely and quickly. The money was not wasted on things that are not needed, not profitable?
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