Almost all male breast compact replied, when asked the most beautiful female body. They realize that as the advantages and attractiveness of a woman.
Research at the University of Wellington, New Zealand, reveals,
47 percent of male respondents tended to look to the chest before see the face of a woman. Gaze into the breast is also relatively longer than the other body parts.
The study was conducted with six pictures showing a woman to the male respondents. Six pictures showing a woman's face was the same, but with different body shapes and sizes. Digital engineering researchers in the breast, and the curve of her hips.
The researchers meperhatikan body parts of interest to the respondent when first saw the picture. They also consider the duration of gaze. In conclusion, the breast is the object of a woman's body the longest staring at him.
Not only shows the attractiveness of women, the study also produced some interesting conclusions related to the female body in the eyes of men.
- breast size does not really matter
Men tend to stare hard at his chest on the grounds of artistic beauty of a woman's body. They are not too care about size.
- make-up face and hair is notthe main
Not until 20 percent of respondents who leads his first gaze into the face when you first meet a woman. Gaze toward the face after the view to the chest area. Breasts more attractive than faces.